Allopathic Medicine
What are allopathic medicines:-
The allopathic word comes from two Greek words: Allos & Pathas. The Allos word stands for the opposite and the Pathas means suffer. So, from there the allopathic word was made. It simply means that treating a symptom by its opposite drug.
The allopathic medical system works with professional doctors and health care persons. They cure the symptoms and diseases while using drugs and surgery. Allopathic medicines are the most mainstream medicines in the healthcare system. In allopathic medicines researches is evidence-based, the testing of the drug is accurate so there is no chance of any conspiracy in the making of the medical process.
The main types of drugs that were used by the doctors are: –
- Antibiotic
- Blood pressure medicine
Allopathic medicines are the most mainstream medicines in the healthcare system. In allopathic medicines, the research was evidence-based and the drugs that were used were properly tested and certified.
Antibiotics are the categories of aliphatic medicines, which are used for fighting those infections that were happened due to bacteria. so that the reason this type of drug is also called the antibacterial form of the drug. The antibiotics killing the Bactria from copying themselves or reproducing.
The words antibiotics stand for “against life”. It simply means that the drug which kills the germs in the body of the infected persons is technically called antibiotics.
Antibiotics majorly come in some forms and those are:
Tablets Cream Liquids Injections
How antibiotic works.
Antibiotic attack on the bacterial infection and slow down its growth by some processes and those are:
An antibiotic like PENICILLN, CEPHALOSPORIN, attack directly on the bacteria cell, which may cause cell wall week so that the result of bacteria will not so strong to attack the body.
An antibiotic like TETRACYCLINE, ERYTHOROMYCIN may block the growth of the bacteria. They block the nutrition from the reach of the bacteria, so the result antibiotic stops them from dividing and multiplying.
Antibiotics are usually started working in the patient’s body within 2 to 3 days. the doctors or health care professionals will decide the time of treatment and choose the right antibiotic according to the need of the patient body. The antibiotic course should be taken for the complete duration of the prescribed time. never stop the treatment early without taking your doctor’s advice.
What is antibiotic made of:
Most of the antibiotics are made of natural products synthesized by bacteria and fungi.
In history, the first antibiotic was discovered accidentally .it was discovered from a blab of mald on a petri dish. then later antibiotics were produced by bacteria found in ground soli. Nowadays all antibiotics are produced in labs. some of them are made through a series of chemical reactions. In other cases, they are partially made through natural products but controlled in the labs. with that, they enhance with some chemical reaction for creating a different medication
Side effects of consuming antibiotics for a long time:
Antibiotics mainly affect the digestive system. The effect on the digestive system includes:
- Vomiting
- Diarrheal
- Breathing and indigestion
- Abdominal pain
- Loss of appetite
# Antibiotic allegorical reaction’s
In some cases when the antibiotic contains penicillin then there is a chance of happening of allergic reactions. most of them are like
- A raised, itching skin rash
- Coughing
- Wearing
- A problem in breathing.
In rear cases, some antibiotics can cause server and potentially life-threatening allergic reaction that knows as anaphylaxis. some initial symptoms of anaphylaxis are:
- Feeling faint
- Breathing difficulty
- Wheezing
- Clammy skin
- Anxiety
- In the case of tetracycline drugs, the effect to sensitive to light. It makes skin sensitive to sunlight and artificial source of light.
- In the case of fluoroquinolones antibiotic, can effect of disability, long-lasting, or permanent side effects on the joints, muscles, and nervous system.
High blood pressure
High blood pressure is known as a silent killer. High blood pressure or hypertension is when the blood pressure in the body higher pressure than normal.
Two main types of high blood pressure:
- Primary Hypertension: – primary hypertension also known as essential hypertension. In this case, a person will not able to understand that he/ she was suffering from high blood pressure. In this case, high blood pressure takes a long time to develop.
- Secondary hypertension: – in this case the high blood pressure caused by an underlying condition. various conditions and medications that can lead to secondary hypertension include
- Kidney problems
- Adrenal gland tumor
- Thyroid problems
some major symptoms of high hypertension are:
Headache, vomiting, double vision, respiratory diseases, vascular diseases.
Hypertension effect on the body
Hypertension affects a person’s body very quietly before developing the symptoms. some major complication caused in the body due to uncontrolled high blood pressure are: –
Damage on the arteries:
High blood pressure increased the pressure of blood flowing through arteries so that the results like: –
Damage and narrowed arteries: Hypertension affect the inner lining of the cells of your arteries. when the fat collected from the diet enters your bloodstream, it will damage the arteries. that a result the arteries become less elastic, due to that the blood flow becomes limited through the body.
2. Damage to the heart
- Coronary artery disease: – when the arteries narrowed and damage due to high blood pressure, it troubles in supply blood to the heart. when the blood can’t flow properly, it will cause chest pain and some cases led to a heart attack.
- Heart failure: – hypertension is caused the heart muscles to weaken and work less effective. the whelmed heart begins to heat fail.
3.Damage to the brain
- Stoke: – when the required flow of oxygen and nutrients cannot reach the brain then it leads to brain cell death. high blood pressure can also cause blood clots to form in the arteries leading to block blood flow.
- Mild cognitive impairment: – this condition is said to the condition where a person was not able to understand or not able to memorize the moment or things.
4.Damage to the kidney
High blood pressure affects the blood vessels and leads to kidney diseases
- Kidney scarring: – this happened when tiny blood vessels within the kidney become scarred and do not perform effectively, filter fluid, and waste from your blood.
- Kidney failure: – the most common cause of kidney failure is high blood pressure. Damage blood vessels stop the kidney to perform effectively filtering from the blood. allowing dangerous levels of fluid and waste to assemble.
5.Damage on eyes
- Damage on the retina: – hypertension damage to the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye (retina) can lead to loss of vision.
- Nerve damage: – high blood pressure block the blood flow and it damages the optical nerve, leading to bleeding and vision loss.
Effective ways to low your blood pressure levels: –
- Increases activity and exercised more
- Loss weight if you are overweight.
- Use less sugar and refined carbohydrate.
- Use more potassium and less sodium.
- Eat less processed food
- Stop smoking
- Reduce excess stress
- Try mediation and yoga
- Eat some dark chocolate
- Eat high protein food
- Consume less alcohol